Thursday, November 2, 2017

My Greek-Inspired Autumn Tablescape

After returning from a recent trip to Greece, I was inspired to host a Greek themed dinner for a few friends my husband and I had bought souvenirs for. Because the weather had been unseasonably warm, I decided to have our little dinner party on our back deck overlooking all of the splendid fall foliage of the forest.

On past trips to Greece, I had collected miniature blue and white Greek houses and churches. I used these as favors atop linen napkins for each place setting. I also had cute little tea lights that I placed around neutral-colored pumpkins. I had set the table in the afternoon, so a few falling leaves made their way onto the table as well. I didn't want the overall theme to look tacky so I was careful to not overdue it with too many Greek elements. I am lucky enough to have a fantastic Greek store within a half hour of my house, so I did pick up some Greek wine and few tasty delights that I didn't have time to make myself.

I love my miniature blue and white Greek houses. You can buy them everywhere in Greece, so I didn't mind using them as little favors.

With the arrival of dusk the candles were lit. My guests arrived and the appetizers of tyropita, olives and feta were served. We had a delicious dinner of Greek salad, lamb souvlaki, rice and Greek-style green beans topped off with an assortment of baked Greek desserts. My Greek-inspired Autumn tablescape was a big hit. OPA!

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