Friday, September 28, 2018

A Rustic Modern Mix in Sweden

 Emma Jonsson Dysell

At 21 Hoburg Road on the Swedish island of Gotland sits a 17th century house with a view of the sea. This island, situated on the Baltic Sea with towns of cobblestone streets and centuries old medieval ruins is the perfect idyllic backdrop to this rustic modern home. The interior of this country estate is furnished with restraint and style. Minimal modern decor and simple accents compliment the new contemporary vibe of the home's original features. 17th century style architecture with thick walls, wooden beams and soft rounded windows blends perfectly with the modern palette of white, beige and grey. Natural Scandinavian textures of stone, wood and organic textiles celebrate this country home's Nordic heritage and style. The modern updates throughout are incorporated gracefully into the structure by continuing the neutral color palette. This rustic modern home with its mix of minimalist decor, Scandinavian style and original architectural features blends perfectly into its charming surroundings.

 Rue Magazine

 Emma Jonsson Dysell

 Emma Jonsson Dysell

 Emma Jonsson Dysell

 Rue Magazine

 Rue Magazine

 Emma Jonsson Dysell

 Emma Jonsson Dysell

 Emma Jonsson Dysell

 Fantastic Frank

 Fantastic Frank

 Fantastic Frank

 Fantastic Frank

 Fantastic Frank

 Fantastic Frank

 Fantastic Frank

 Rue Magazine

Sources:  Fantastic Frank  |  Emma Jonsson Dysell  |  Rue Magazine

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